Creating a better online presence for an Olympics level sports foundation

Website Development ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Content Revamp

Google and Bing

Project results






Khelo Masters foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2018 focused on supporting masters athletes and sports enthusiasts in the quadragenarian category of the general population that pursue sports or want to pursue sports at national and international levels. 

Khelo Masters strives to create a supportive and inclusive environment for athletes and sports enthusiasts to participate in different games in order to promote an active lifestyle while encouraging physical activity and raising awareness.


The founder of Khelo Masters reached out to us before they were starting the ‘2022 Annual Edition of the Khelo Masters Games’ inaugurated by Union Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur and moving into a new era of national and international games being organized after the pandemic. 

This grand comeback needed to be revamped through a website and content facelift to increase the impact on providing health equity and raising awareness for a healthy lifestyle for all Indians.

Besides their communication of a new vision, the website needed a complete makeover. 

The outdated design and confusing navigation of the Khelo Masters website resulted in a disorienting user experience that left visitors with a fragmented understanding of the organization’s mission and its impact on the general population.

The Khelo Masters website was plagued by a multitude of issues, making it difficult for both visitors and internal stakeholders to find relevant information about its campaigns. The site was cluttered with outdated content, leading to broken links and poor transmission of information.

Our thorough investigation of the Khelo Masters website included a comprehensive website audit and usability testing. The usability testing was performed using tools that provided insights into anonymous website visits, enabling us to observe user flows, identify areas of confusion, and uncover any issues encountered by users. Our process involved conducting in-depth interviews with key stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing the website.

UX strategy

Our research team carried out a comprehensive analysis of the data collected from interviews, audits, and studies to build a user experience (UX) strategy for the Khelo Masters website redesign. By compiling all of the information, the team was able to synthesize their insights and draw upon them to develop an effective UX approach.

Our primary focus was to streamline access to valuable information sought by visitors. To achieve this, we developed a new and more straightforward site map, concurrently determining the content strategy for the revamped site.

Central to the redesign of the Khelo Masters website was a content strategy that aimed to keep the site updated with only relevant information. This strategy also assisted in identifying any content gaps, allowing us to create new material that would provide a comprehensive account of upcoming events and games.

Having established the site map and content strategy, it was time to determine the structure of the Khelo Masters website. The process of wireframing was used to prioritize content on each page and create an optimal user journey. The wireframing process was collaborative, providing the Khelo Masters team with a clear preview of the site’s new structure, and enabling rapid iteration to ensure an optimal user flow

Build - Phase I - Prototyping

With the structural planning in place, including the user journey and distribution of information, we were ready to move on to the exciting stage of design.

The design phase was when the website came to life, with a revamp of the colours, images, fonts, and iconography to effectively communicate crucial information and news from Khelo Masters.

On the technical side, we opted to build a custom site utilizing the user-friendly WordPress CMS. The site was custom-built and structured on the backend to provide the Khelo Masters team with the ability to keep the site updated and current.

The front-end development of the Khelo Masters website was built using the latest HTML/CSS and coded on a responsive framework to ensure an optimal experience for all visitors, regardless of device size and shape. Whether accessed on a small mobile phone or a large desktop monitor, the site remains easy to navigate and interact with at all times.

Test & Launch - Phase II - Bringing it all together

After careful planning, design, and development, the Khelo Masters website was tested on multiple mobile and desktop devices and across various browsers to ensure a universally accessible and smooth experience.

Throughout the project, we adhered to an Agile/Scrum approach, collaborating closely with key stakeholders from the Khelo Masters foundation to incorporate their feedback as we moved forward. This enabled us to test and receive feedback from the client early on, avoiding any last-minute issues.

Following Agile practices, the MVP version of the Khelo Masters website was launched to the public. As further pages and sections were completed, they were gradually introduced in subsequent sprints with precision.

The Results

The Khelo Masters Foundation team is thrilled with their new website, as indicated by their positive feedback and the fact that visitors are now easily finding and engaging with the content on the site.

Communication of crucial Information is completely transparent, thanks to improved design practices. 

The site truly is a living, breathing extension of what exactly The Khelo Masters foundation is, and what kind of sports events enthusiasts can expect to be organized on a time-to-time basis.

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