Different Website Designs and Their Primary Functions

Different website designs by goseen
  1. Static website development – This type of website development involves creating a fixed set of HTML pages that do not change unless manually updated by a developer.
  2. Dynamic website development – This type of website development involves creating a website that can change its content and layout based on user input, database information, or other variables.
  3. E-commerce website development – This type of website development involves creating a website that allows for online transactions, such as buying and selling products or services.
  4. Responsive website development – This type of website development involves creating a website that can adjust its layout and functionality based on the device or screen size it is being viewed on.
  5. Single-page application development – This type of website development involves creating a website that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates the content as the user interacts with the site.
  6. Progressive web application development – This type of website development involves creating a web application that can be installed on a user’s device and work offline, similar to a native mobile application.
  7. Headless website development – This type of website development involves creating a website where the front-end and back-end are separate and communicate via API calls.

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